PLUKT Cold-brew tea Summer Evening

  • Stock: In stock
  • Brand: PLUKT TEA
  • Product No: 46061297

Cold-brew tea SUMMER EVENING

10 tea bags

Calming and balancing. Rich with microbioms supporting gut health. Blackcurrant leaves provide sweet taste and vitamin A, and works as antioxidant. Meadowsweet provides honey-like aroma and calming effect. Nettle targets longevity, while caraway seeds provides crisp taste. Leaves of Melissa adds sweetness to the brew.

Ingredients: melissa, blackcurrant leaves, caraway seeds, meadowsweet, nettle

Certified organic

1 tea bag is suitable for 500ml water.
Instructions: Put 1 tea bags in water bottle. Shake it for about 20 sec. Let it brew for 8-10 minutes. You can enjoy cold brew tea for up to 8 hours.

Manufacturer: Plūkt SIA

Made in Latvia
